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Auto-West S.C. M i R Pastryk is implementing a project co-financed by the European Funds Export Development
Auto-West S.C. M i R Pastryk – promotion of ECPS Group carbon spare parts on foreign markets
The aim of the project is to increase the company’s competitiveness through the internationalization of its activities and promotion of its own products on target foreign markets.
What can you allocate the grant to?
for participation in fairs, exhibitions, economic missions or foreign conferences
for additional promotional activities to finance the costs of an advisory service, thanks to which you will learn how to promote your company abroad
Planned effects of the project:
signing foreign trade contracts,
increasing revenue from the sale of export products,
increasing the revenue from the sale of products subject to the project.
Total project value: 314.100,00 PLN
Contribution of European Funds: 235.575,00 PLN
Beneficiary: AUTO-WEST S.C. M. I R.PASTRYK
Industry Development Agency S.A.

Auto West System software by Auto-West S.C. R and M Pastryk, as part of the ARP S.A. project – Open Innovation Network, Measure 2.2 of the Smart Growth Operational Program: Open Innovation – supporting technology transfer, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
Project: Increasing the competitiveness and technological development of the company through the purchase of innovative, process-matched.
The total cost of the Project implementation is PLN 1,043,040.00
The amount of eligible expenses is PLN 848,000.00
ARP S.A. entrusts the Grantee with a Grant in an amount not exceeding PLN 593,600.00, which constitutes 70% of the total expenditure eligible for support under the Project.
Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu / Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Polskie Mosty Technologiczne
Projekt współfinansowany jest z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach III Osi priorytetowej – Wsparcie innowacji w przedsiębiorstwach; Działanie: 3.3. Wsparcie promocji oraz internacjonalizacji innowacyjnych przedsiębiorstw, Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020. Nr umowy: POIR-03.03.01-00-0001/17-00 Polskie Mosty Technologiczne. Celem projektu jest pozyskanie wiedzy eksperckiej w zakresie eksportu na rynek Singapuru, skutkujące opracowaniem strategii ekspansji, a następnie jej realizacja w ramach etapu zagranicznego. W wyniku realizacji projektu nastąpi rozpoczęcie sprzedaży eksportowej produktów oferowanych przez przedsiębiorstwo AUTO-WEST S.C. M. I R.PASTRYK na rynku docelowym. Całkowita wartość projektu: 144 083,50 PLN. Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 144 083,50 PLN
Polish Technological Bridges
The project is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund under Priority Axis III – Support for innovation in enterprises; Action: 3.3. Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises, the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020. Contract number: POIR-03.03.01-00-0001/17-00 Polish Technological Bridges. The aim of the project is to acquire expert knowledge in the field of export to the Singapore market, resulting in the development of an expansion strategy, and then its implementation as part of the foreign stage. As a result of the project, export sales of products offered by AUTO-WEST S.C. will start. M. AND R.PASTRYK on the target market. The total value of the project: PLN 144,083.50. Project co-financing from the EU: PLN 144,083.50
Intellectual property in your company

Auto-West S.C. M i R Pastryk is implementing a project entitled “Intellectual property in your company” financed under the Intelligent Development Operational Program, action 2.6 “Non-competition project of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland”, under the European Regional Development Fund.
Contribution of European Funds: 1 231,46 PLN
Beneficiary: AUTO-WEST S.C. M. I R.PASTRYK
Re_Open UK

Auto-West S.C. M i R Pastryk realizuje projekt „Rekompensata Brexit dla ECPS Group” dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich w ramach Programu działań dotyczących wkładu finansowego z pobrexitowej rezerwy dostosowawczej „Program Re_Open UK”
Cel projektu : Rekompensata za spadek obrotów ze Zjednoczonym Królestwem w związku z brexit.
Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 42 408,82 EUR